Bear Protection Electric Fencing

Bear Protection Electric Fencing is a simple and cost effective method to secure long-term bear attractants like landfills, grain sheds and campgrounds as well as hunting and backpacking camps, hen coops, beehives and livestock enclosures. Electric fences work by shocking bears that touch the wires. They are also a great alternative to hanging food in trees and are easy to install and maintain.

Bear Protection Electric Fencing sends electricity to the fencing. It is important that it be powerful enough to carry the full voltage of all your fence wires and energized gates without losing energy (called grounding). It also should have a joule rating that is appropriate for the animal(s) you are protecting (grizzlies need at least 0.7 joules). Ask your state wildlife agency for recommendations on joule ratings.

Posts define the perimeter of the fence and hold up the wire. They can be metal T-posts, wood or fiberglass posts. Plastic insulators prevent the fence from touching the posts and causing it to lose power. They are especially needed on corners where the most contact is made. A grounding rod completes the circuit, ensuring that whatever touches the wires will get shocked. Drive a galvanized grounding rod at least six feet down, preferably more.

Bear Protection Electric Fencing: The Ultimate Solution

A warning sign warns others that the electric fence is active. A gate handle allows the energizer to be turned off while opening the gate. An alert light flashes if the fence is not functioning properly. A fence tester is also included. 4 alkaline D-cell batteries power the energizer.